Journal article
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 66(19), 2015 Nov 10, pp. 2152-2154
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Alves, A., Etxebarria, A., Medeiros, A., Benito-Vicente, A., Thédrez, A., Passard, M., … Bourbon, M. (2015). Characterization of the first PCSK9 gain of function homozygote. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 66(19), 2152–2154.
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Alves, A., A. Etxebarria, A. Medeiros, A. Benito-Vicente, A. Thédrez, Maxime Passard, M. Croyal, César Martín, G. Lambert, and M. Bourbon. “Characterization of the First PCSK9 Gain of Function Homozygote.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology 66, no. 19 (November 10, 2015): 2152–2154.
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Alves, A., et al. “Characterization of the First PCSK9 Gain of Function Homozygote.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 66, no. 19, Nov. 2015, pp. 2152–54, doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2015.08.871.
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title = {Characterization of the first PCSK9 gain of function homozygote.},
year = {2015},
month = nov,
day = {10},
issue = {19},
journal = {Journal of the American College of Cardiology},
pages = {2152-2154},
volume = {66},
doi = {10.1016/j.jacc.2015.08.871},
author = {Alves, A. and Etxebarria, A. and Medeiros, A. and Benito-Vicente, A. and Thédrez, A. and Passard, Maxime and Croyal, M. and Martín, César and Lambert, G. and Bourbon, M.},
month_numeric = {11}